Kiltullah House

Kiltullah House
A Protected structure & National Monument
It has been the lifelong dream of this buildings owner to restore it to its former glory. As a first step is was essential to consolidate the ruin to prevent further collapse and enable maximum retention of historic fabric. In order to do this we helped to secure grant funding from Galway County Council in 2010 and The Heritage Council in 2011 and 2012 for the consolidation of external walls on a phased basis. In 2010 the Heritage Council also funded a detailed Conservation Management Plan.
Roles & Responsibilities
Application and administration of conservation grants.
Supervision of works on site for grant draw down

Paul is Founder & CEO of Bad Dog, an Irish Digital Marketing Agency. He has 30+ years experience in many facets of the design world. He’s got opinions too, from such a long career - and is more than willing to share them. With an insatiable appetite for anything tech and forward facing, pardon the pun, but he’s like a dog with a bone!